- Defintion of Moral Panics
- Case Studies
- Homer
- Penny Dreadfuls
- identify theories
- Drug Issues through history Kate Moss, Leah Betts
- Jamie Bulger Case
- Teletubbies Case
- Teenage Magazine causing increase in sex and teenage pregancy
To Do:
- Copy up BFI visit notes (By 20th)
- Press (Daily Mail) causes of moral panic (By 21th)
- Intial Internet Survey (By 22nd)
- Analyse results as people reply (By 28th)
- Conduct focus groups or one to one interviews - different ages (During Easter)
- Articles to look at (22nd-28th)
Bradley, Ann (1994): A Morality Play for All Times [WWW document] URL http://www.informinc.co.uk?LM/LM63/LM63_Bulger.html
Calcutt, A (1997): Ecstasy and Apostasy [WWW document] URL http://www.informinc.co.uk/ LM/ LM98/LM98_Drugs.html
Campbell, Alec (1994): Violence, Lies and Videotape [WWW document] URL http://www.informinc.co.uk/LM/LM63/LM63_Bulger.html
Cohen, Stanley (1972): Folk Devils and Moral Panics London: MacGibbon and Kee
Eldridge, John (1997): The Mass Media and Power in Modern Britain Oxford: University Press
French, Karl (1997): Screen Violence London: Bloomsbury Publishing
Hall, Stuart (1978): Policing the Crisis: Mugging, State, Law and Order . London: MacMillan
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