Monday, March 17, 2008

Examples of Moral Panics

Common examples of moral panics:

Communism - McCarthism in the 1950s.

- the act of accusing someone of something that is considered unacceptable by many people, especially when you have no proof:

McCarthyism is named after the American politician Joseph McCarthy, who in the 1950s accused many Americans of being Communists.

Made a huge scare for the government saftey as started accusing people mof communism, lead ot people being black listed and a huge media involvement

  • The Scare Over Child Abuse and Pedophhillian

Easy for newspapers to sensationalise and it is an ongoing tabloid campaign in the UK

This resulted in the persucution of Peoditricians by an angry mob (which had confused the two words) in August 2000

Paediatrician attacks 'ignorant' vandals

2005 a man in Manchester, England was killed by knife after being mistakenly accused of child molestation by an insane man in the neighborhood.

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